Reusable Anti-Fog Cleaning Cloth For Glasses & Lenses
Goggle wearers are well aware of the issue that will afflict them in cold weather – the continually fogged eyeglass lenses. Wearing a mask has made this condition worse in recent years.
GoGoNano has developed cleaning cloth Anti-Fog for glasses that has anti-fog properties. It is a nanotechnology-advanced microfiber cloth that aids in the anti-fog and protecting features of glasses. Unlike liquid anti-fog solutions, the Anti-Fog cleaning cloth does not harm the glass’s existing protective layers and instead cleans the surface softly and safely.
How to Use Cleaning Cloth Anti-Fog For Glasses?
Clean your glasses before using Anti-Fog cleaning cloth. Wipe your glasses gently but put slight pressure with Anti-Fog cloth. Blow the breath on the polished glasses to make sure it doesn’t fog up. Repeat wiping whenever the anti-fog function becomes weak.
– Never drop it into water or wash it.
– Keep it in a case at room temperature and keep away from water or high humidity.
– If you have spots or itches when using it, consult a physician.
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